Welcome to Doodle Mania

While the popular Doodles are cute, fluffy and often rambunctious balls of fur, they are not low maintenance. Doodles definitely need home care to have a fluffy, unmated coat. For overall dog health, and coats that are mat free and in good condition, daily home grooming is required.  
As Doodles are crosses with a variety of breeds, every coat is different and requires specific levels of attention to sustain a healthy and attractive dog.  Hair becomes matted and may even require shaving if not properly groomed at home on a daily basis.  In addition mats can hide infections, bruising, unhealthy skin conditions, and cause pain for your dog.
Begin a daily groom by using a slicker brush to gently remove knots.  When done properly, a greyhound comb should cleanly go from the roots to the tip of the coat.  Check your local pet stores or online for the slicker brush and greyhound comb.
Frequency of Professional Grooming
To keep the long, fluffy Doodle coat attractive and healthy, schedule professional grooming every 2 to 6 weeks depending on your dogs particular coat type.
Doodle pricing
$50.00 - $100 + depending on size, temperament, coat type, condition, grooming time and manageability of dog.
Doodle Puppy's First Trip to the Groomer
Prepare your puppy for its first trip to the groomer the day you bring it home. Gently brush and stroke your puppy, massage the paws, touch the ears on a daily basis to desensitize it to grooming.  As they will need regular trips to the groomer their entire lives, this makes the process smoother.  The first trip to the groomer should be scheduled after puppy's third round of shots, usually at 16 weeks.
The initial trip could be a full groom or a puppy clip depending on condition of the coat and the dog's temperament.  The transition from soft, fluffy puppy fur to adult coat which is curlier and slightly coarse begins at five to six months.  By this time your dog should be on a routine schedule with a familiar groomer.